How to prepare for a visit

I would try to avoid feeding your child right before the consult, but if it’s needed, please feed your child. Try your best to make it a smaller meal. Remember, we will have time to observe a feed and talk in detail about the plan. If your baby is hungry when I arrive we will observe the feeding first, if not, we will talk first.

Please don’t worry and don’t clean. I would be more surprised to see a clean and organized house when you have just welcomed a new baby into your home! I am not a house guest, I am visiting to help you and your baby. I guarantee you that I left my house with dishes in the sink, toys on the floor and probably an unmade bed.

Have your pumping equipment nearby and ready for use especially if you have milk supply concerns. If you are using any other tool to help with feedings, nipple shields, supplements, formula if used, etc, please have those available.

It’s a good idea to have a record of the infant’s feedings and a number of wet and dirty diapers from the last 24 hours before our appointment. If you’re using formula or donor milk I will be asking about how much you’re offering and how frequently.

If older children will be present at the time of the appointment, if possible, I suggest you ask someone to help entertain them as we work together. We will get the most out of the time we spend together if we can focus on you and your baby. Well behaved pets are fine, if you feel like they will distract us, it might be best if you place them in a separate room.

Payment is required at the time of your visit unless your coverage has been verified by Lactation Network or you are covered under Aetna or Tricare. For all other plans, I accept cash, check or credit cards. You’ll receive an invoice and an insurance reimbursement form for all visits.

If you are covered under AETNA insurance:
I’m now in network provider and can bill your insurance. Many plans will reimburse 6 lactation visits with no out of packet cost for you. You will be responsible to cover any charges Aetna chooses not to pay.
If you are covered under TRICARE insurance:
I recently became a  Tricare authorized provider. I am a non-network provider for the East Region. I have the ability to file your claim and NO payment is due at the time of service when service occurs in my office. Humana Military allows for 6 consultations per birth.

If TLN can’t bill your isurance plan, or you have insurance other then those listed above, I will accept your payment at the time of your consultation. I will then provide you with a receipt including billing codes needed when you seek reimbursement.

Opłaty można uiścic za pomoca kart płatniczych, i kart HSA/FSA

My self pay client fees are:

Initial Visit: $200
Follow up Visit: $175
Prenatal Class:$150

Please don’t let financial difficulties defer your form seeking help. A limited number of discounted visits are available as needed.

We will meet over a secure video platform. We will be able to discuss your concerns in depth and we will have time to practice skills that your working on mastering. Prior to your visit I ask you to send me some videos and photos. Anything that might be helpful, anything you are noticing about your baby. These can be videos of your baby latching, feeding during letdown and at the end of the feeding and videos of you expressing your milk or anything that is relevant to your situation and can help me understand your concerns. I might also ask you about photos or videos of infant tongue when he is crying, or elevated.

Most clients also receive an oral assessment checklist that will walk you through assessment of your infant mouth.